Monday, July 30, 2007

A book

So I finally finished one of the three books I have been reading.

I flew through the first half of the book, then slowed down for the 3rd quarter and rallied for the finish. A good read overall especially for the athlete looking for the edge.

But it was a drop in the fish bowl I guess. Lately change has been happening all around and I have been re-evaluating things. I won't spoil any of the book as I think it should be a must read for everyone.

I have a shelf full of books that have made an impact on me. They range from 'The Fellowship of the Rings' to 'The Monkey wrench Gang' from 'A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' to 'Sea Biscuit' from the 'Tao Te Ching' to 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' and from 'The Fountainhead' to 'Silent Spring'.

I am lucky my parents taught me to read. According to them early I didn't enjoy reading. They asked my teacher for help and she recommended the Choose your own adventure type books. My earliest memories of reading recalls me devouring these books to find out what happens next. Then came 'The Chronicles of Narnia', 'The Fellowship of the Rings' and many others. I remember in Junior High reading 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' and my Jazz band teacher being dismayed I was reading such a book (both sexually and material wise). Since then my reading has lead me to new idea's, new worlds, new people, places and things. I have seen the ugly in man and the beauty in the world. I have see loss, treachery, love, honor, war and hope. In far of worlds, our own and inside the human soul.

All this without a remote, a Internet connection or a hit off a line. Open a book and open yourself.

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