Friday, July 6, 2007

Power and Nerves

So Monday my coach had me doing a 1.5 hour bike ride with 7 X 3 minute Power Intervals. Basically as hard as I can go for 3 minutes with 3 minutes recovery in between. Well I had a small breakfast and a small lunch at work but didn't think anything of it. I like doing Intervals on my trainer since I don't have to worry about anything and I can just concentrate on throwing down the power. So I start off and numbers 1 and 2 go fine... 3 no problem... 4 towards the end got really tough. I sit up for my rest part and and get a little dizzy... 'Huh... that's odd'. I don't dwell on it too much and soon enough number 5 is here... and it's ugly. About half way through I was cooked. I struggle through the 3 minutes and realize how little I had eaten. I know there isn't too much I can do for the last two and I just struggle through them watching my power drop rapidly through each interval. I get done down load the file and am dismayed. 'Move on' I tell myself.

So today I have the same thing on the schedule (I have a lot of Power Intervals in the next two weeks... I think Nick is telling me something!). I had a big breakfast, a good lunch, had my Power Bar Endurance and Gel ready to go! I was going to OWN this set. I haven't been worried or nervous before my races lately but this workout was getting me all worked up! I warm up and think 'Conservative... start smart and finish strong'. Naturally being who I am, here I am done with the workout... all 7 intervals were withing 3.3 watts of each other and I am worried I was too conservative. :-) I am sure Nick will let me know. But it was fun to look forward to a workout like that.

Ohhh look there it is again next Wednesday. :-)

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