Saturday, June 26, 2010

Field Test - The Run

I did my bike field test Thursday... Saturday is the running field test. Today is the running field test. Unlike the bike field test, I have never done a CTS running field test as my running as always been ok. Mike isn't taking any chances and scheduled 3 X 1 mile repeats with 4 minutes recovery. No worries I was thinking as I have been running... running a lot of long runs, hilly runs and trail runs... not a lot of speed. But come on...

I run a little over a mile to the starting point of the Nielsen Challenge in Monument Valley Park. a 1 Mile loop on trails to save my self from the pounding of the trails. I take off on #1 and feel pretty good, hit the 1/2 mile and head back on the loop knowing the toughest part of the run is over. Cruise in to the finish with a 5:43. Not bad with no speed work I thought. I run a bit then walk and drink some energy drink before #2. Start off and after a minute am thinking 'Huh this is a bit more tiring... hit the halfway mark 8 seconds slower and pick it up and finish #2 in 5:52. 'Ok no problem#3 in under 6:00 and it's all good'. Four minutes FLEW by and I start #3 and it's a suffer fest trying to pick it up every minute to coax myself to run faster. I don't even look at the 1/2 mile split and finish in 6:14.

This is where I know that in my own coaching I do the long runs, the hilly runs, but that fast stuff I avoid (same with the bike). This is where Mike and CTS is going to get me to the top. He has a outside perspective, an honest feedback and a desire to see me succeed no matter how much he has to hurt me.

Bring it Mike... The first steps have been taken and I am looking forward to the jorney.

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