Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bike Field Test

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a singl;e step" -Confucious

"A training plan begins with field tests" - Assumed CTS mantra... bastards

My conversation is like this with Mike on Monday... Me:'Hey Mike looking forward to this, running and swimming is going strong. Haven't been on the bike much.' Mike: 'Cool... bike Field Test Thursday?'

So Thursday rolls around and it's my work's company picnic and hot. Burgers and brats to fuel a CTS Field Test, stand around in the sun for a bit then bike all out. No worries...

Having done several field tests before I knew one thing... I was going to hurt. A CTS Field Test is a good warmup, then 8 minutes with the highest average power you can hold. Good news is you get a 10 minute recovery... bad news is you have to do it again. I like doing my Field Test on a trainer. No terrain, no stoplights and no vehicles. So I set up my trainer on the back deck on a 90 degree day. Hind sight being 20/20 I should have been inside next to a fan as I roasted but ohh well. The first round was what I expected, watts were a little lower than I wanted but a fairly consistant ride. I take my rest and start on round two and wham... no power and no focus. So I tell Mike in an email 'Every journey needs a starting point, and I guess that's ours.'

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