Monday, April 14, 2008


I have a roommate... he eats my food, hogs the bed and doesn't pay rent. I can't blame him he doesn't have a job... so what can I do.

His name is Foot... strange name I know. Jill started calling him that... o.k. the beginning...

See there was this "big bang" and the universe was created... ok not that beginning...

Last winter Jill saw a stray cat limping around. We soon discovered that he wasn't hurt... his back left foot was missing it's toes (vet said he was probably born that way). He has a full leg and a pad for it's heal, but no toes (and claws very importantly!). He doesn't put weight on it usually but moves around just fine. Jill started calling him Foot... it started out as a baby name like Kittlefoot or something but shortened (the way names usually do) to Foot. Well it started getting colder so I let him spend the nights inside and would let him out durning the day. Then one day it was going to be cold and I kept him in. I guess that is the day he "moved in" and he has been here ever since. He has his quirks, I guess I do to, but we get along great and I think he is happy. Here is a video of him relaxing after a tough day.

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