Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I think I owe someone an apology. I'm not sure... but I might...

His (or hers?) name is Orange. When I got Foot he had a puncture wound on his tail and I thought Orange was the culprit for abusing Foot. I had seen Orange acting aggressive before. With summer her Foot like to get out and I let him for a bit when I know I am going to be home... well the other day I was wondering where he was... I look down the street and don't see him. Then I see Orange across the street in his driveway under a car...

I worried about Foot for a second when I saw a black shape on the street across the street...

Turns out the past couple days as I let Foot out his ends up... tail puffed up... across the street staring Orange down. I myself have faced Foot fury at these times when going to pick him up. He growls, hisses and has lashed out and got me good when in his mood.

My cat is a bully?

Saying Goodbye

Two weeks ago I got the call, my parents had to put Shelby down. Shelby, a collie, my sister Beth had, but had to give my parents since their other dogs played too hard with her.

Shelby was the lady of the house. Delicate, and finicky with her kisses. She always had her spot by the couch, waited when you got there for you to say hi to her and let you know what was what. When it was time for dinner she let you (and Jake) know... it was time! She was picky... and only ate if you were there with her... talking to her and coaxing her.

This is how I will remember her...

The last time I saw her I had to carry her in from outside. Then when she was worried, and she needed to go to her sanctuary (dad's office) I had to carry her. Her 50+ pounds had whittled down to 40... she was waive like light and had that look. My heart broke when my dad looked at her, torn up asking her "What? What can I do for you." He was always the man, the feeder, the one for her. Her frailty and pain wore at him. Of every picture I have taken this is the one...

When I walked in the house Jake would bark and whine and carry on. But always Shelby was there to say hi. Waiting her turn and not making a scene... always the lady. Miss you Shelb's...